Beckett’s Gin Review

Beckett’s Gin Review

The 2012 cycle races took place around Box Hill in Surrey.

Beckett’s London Dry Gin finds the right formula –

Ferrari’s refuelling cock-ups included Felipe Massa driving off with the hose still stuck in his tank.

As a fan of Formula One, the name on this brand of London Dry Gin immediately made me think of the famous corner at the Silverstone circuit, though closer inspection of the label actually revealed a connection with the much lower octane sport of road cycling: the juniper for Beckett’s Gin being hand-picked from Box Hill in Surrey, where the organisers of the 2012 Olympics went in search of some testing gradients for competitors more used to climbing the Pyrenees.

Mint picked not far from the Kingston-upon-Thames distillery makes the other locally sourced contribution to this flavoursome 40distillation – contributing to a smooth, cool and refreshing aftertaste.  The zesty notes meanwhile come from Moroccan lime balanced with Spanish sweet orange peel, all adding up to a subtly powerful experience the makers say is best tempered with lots of ice, a quality tonic and a sprig of fresh mint to garnish.

We were sampling it for the first time over the roasting hot August Bank Holiday weekend, when hardly a breath of wind stirred over our gin decking, and I felt certain the thermometer must be heading towards the temperatures those leather or lycra clad racers must endure.  Whatever the comparative conditions, we were sufficiently impressed with our purchase to put into the pits for a top up of our glasses.  ‘Splash and dash’ F1 commentators used to call it until the Ferrari pit crew tried to flambé one of their drivers and fuel stops were abandoned.

Athelstan, the first King of England.

An interesting historical footnote from the Beckett’s website reminds those of us, not paying attention at school, that Kingston-upon-Thames is the place where Athelstan, the first King of England was crowned, uniting the realms of Wessex and Mercia.  He also went on to vanquish the Vikings in Northumbria and York, though as our followers will be aware they have returned to our shores to sell us ELG Navy Strength Gin.

The reader- friendly pages also inform us that Neil Beckett is responsible for two other distillations: including producing an annual batch of sloe gin with hints of cherry and almond, while the latest addition is a 44version considered ideal for cocktail recipes.

Whether your taste in sport involves leg power or massive horsepower, we’re certain Beckett’s gin will encourage you to put your feet up and cool off afterwards.