Wild Gin from the Secret Garden review

My first bike, aged sweet sixteen

Rooted in nature

For a recent mile-stone birthday – with a zero on the end – our dear friends and long-time Gin Scouts Bill and Lesley presented me with a bottle of Wild Gin, perhaps reflecting back on the idea that most of us will have enjoyed a somewhat ‘wild’ phase in our younger years.

Wild Gin, made with organic spirit, has been created by the Secret Garden Distillery utilising indigenous wild plants to create a London Dry tipple, which offers up pine and fresh herbs on the nose, with the following delicious taste of juniper, and refreshing herbaceous notes – possibly with the hint of Coriander providing the citrusy nuance, and Angelica Root offering its perfect crispness.

“The botanicals are hand-harvested and dried naturally to ensure the highest quality.”

The makers of this 39% ABV gin said: “Our Distillery grew out of our Garden when we wanted to capture the magic of the plants that we grow, in a range of unique gins inspired by the smells and colours that surround us every day.”  For Wild Gin, Bog Myrtle, Nettle, and nine other indigenous – or shall we say, secret – botanicals have been added.

“With over a thousand juniper bushes, complemented by 500 herbs and floral varieties such as scented lemon verbena, geraniums, irises and roses, the distillery’s garden is the ultimate tribute to nature’s magic.” 

We enjoyed our Wild Gin with Lixir’s Blood Orange & Cinnamon Tonic Water, but the makers recommend light tonic and a Rosemary garnish – which we’ve yet to try as we feel the herb might be a little overpowering for this subtle gin.

And what of my misspent youth?  I was a bit of a hippy, loved horses and motorbikes, but most of all – as is still the case today – was never happier than when outside.  As it says on the Wild Gin’s bottle neck, this tipple is “rooted in nature.”  Perhaps Bill and Lesley know me better than I thought …

Wild Gin, made with organic spirit, can be purchased from the distiller and, of course, Amazon, for around £36.

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Gin Lover One ‘aka’ Juliet Meechan is a seasoned journalist, blogger, content writer and gin lover!