Famous gin quotes and musings


In this blog, the intention is to entertain; to provide a little laughter in what is meant to be the week where we feel the most depressed in the midst of winter. Of course, it’s all about gin, and I’m hoping these juniper inspired japes and thoughts will warm you as we await the arrival of the Beast from the East Mk II– enjoy!

Here’s a quote that I first discovered when writing about quinine-laced tonic water, which was drunk in the tropics to ward off malaria. Sir Winston Churchill famously said: “The gin and tonic has saved more Englishmen’s lives than all the doctors in the Empire.”

“He was white and shaken, like a dry martini.” – P. G. Wodehouse, Author of Jeeves and Wooster. 

“I really need a gin and tonic.” Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller, American comedienne.

To finish, here are some anonymous ramblings:

“I’ll stick with gin. Champagne is just ginger ale that knows somebody.”  Hawkeye in M*A*S*H








A gin and tonic has 91 calories. A banana has 115 calories. My doctor told me to make the healthy choice. I love my doctor.

I want someone to look at me the same way I look at gin.

I make gin disappear. What’s your superpower?

A yawn is a silent scream for gin.

Size does matter. No one wants a small gin and tonic.

Chemically speaking, gin is a solution.

Gin is like a push-up bra for your personality.