Valentine’s Day


A special message from two of our followers currently in the Canaries – true love always shines through!

Bill surprised me the other day by asking if there was anything special I would like for Valentines. (I was surprised because we never do Valentines gifts or cards.) Well, I thought in for a penny in for a pound chance my luck and replied “something with a sapphire”.

He looked a bit shocked and said: “I wasn’t thinking that expensive but I’ll see what I can do”.   Anyway, Bill always leaves things to the last minute, his motto being why do today what you can do tomorrow?  He disappeared by himself today to do some shopping.  I could picture him in one of the many duty free jewellers.  While he was away I thought I had better get a gift for him, which is really hard because he never wants anything.  I eventually found something!

So this evening when he sat me out on the balcony as the sun was going down, you can imagine my excitement and anticipation (I have long coveted a sapphire ring).

“I would like to share the moment with you through the attached photos, which aren’t the best due to the bright sunset, but I’m sure you’ll get the gist of things….” Lesley